Private after-school insurance - the right cover for after-school care

Play safe. Be sure to have afternoon tea

The hours the children spend in kindergartens and schools make up a small part of the day, and many parents choose to send their children to private after-school centers, which provide a therapeutic, educational and social framework for the child during the afternoons, where the children enjoy a hot meal, classes and activities, and even help with homework.

As operators of private daycare centers, you surely know that parents entrust you with their children, the most important thing in the world to them, and expect you to do everything to keep them safe.

But even when you put in the most effort, the children are still exposed to accidents and injuries may occur during their stay at Tsharon, so it is important to have an insurance policy that will give both you and the parents the peace of mind that is so important when it comes to the precious children.

What does a private afternoon insurance policy include?

An insurance policy for Zaharon provides full coverage for Zaharon itself, its employees, the treated children as well as the parents who visit it:

Property and building insurance - insurance for the building where Zaharon is operated and the contents of the building, including the various facilities needed to operate Zaharon.

Third party insurance and personal accidents involving children and parents - insures the daycare center in case of injury to the children treated at the daycare center or to the parents who visit it.

Personal accident insurance for Hacharon employees - which provides compensation in the event of an accident, including compensation for loss of working days.

What is the difference between a private kindergarten and an afternoon one?

The ages of the children - in most cases, daycare centers are intended for older ages, compared to toddlers aged 0-3 in kindergartens.

The nature of the activity - the activity in Tsharon often includes more diverse activities than those in kindergarten (due to the age differences), including classes, sports activities and other physical activities. Many daycare centers offer a framework for children even during the holidays and summer vacations, where the activity is even more varied and physical.

Hours of operation - Kindergartens operate during the day, with most kindergartens working between 07:00 and 16:00. Daycare centers operate after school hours.

In terms of insurance, the nature of the insurance is the same, but it must be adjusted according to the hours of activity, the type of activity, the number of children, etc. It is recommended to contact the representatives of the national collective, who have many years of experience in insuring kindergartens, daycare centers and other settings.

Is there an obligation to purchase insurance for the afternoon?

The law requires the operators of children's facilities to insure the toddlers staying in the facility with a personal accident insurance policy and third party insurance, which will protect them against any future claim for damages caused to the children during all hours of operation.

Operators who employ workers are required to insure their employees with employers' liability insurance, to protect against claims by workers against the employer in the event of an employee's injury, to cover beyond the payment of social security.

In addition, as part of concern for the children as well as for the business, it is advisable to expand the insurance and also include coverage for medical expenses in order to avoid large expenses that may reach thousands of shekels, and of course in order not to be exposed to lawsuits from the children's parents.

Why purchase after-school insurance in the national collective?

The national collective offers kindergartens, daycare centers and nurseries a service based on many years of experience that includes, among other things, regular meetings with kindergarten teachers and nannies all over the country. The policies we offer are customized for each kindergarten and each daycare center, and they are built according to the unique needs of the framework, such as the size of the area, the number of children, the number of guests, the style of activity that takes place in the daycare center, and much more.

During our decades of activity, we have put together thousands of insurance policies for settings that come into contact with children - kindergartens, nurseries and daycare centers, as well as class and summer camp instructors. The rich experience and knowledge we have accumulated allows us to provide you with the right and most affordable insurance envelope for you from the variety of policies we have that are considered comprehensive in their field.

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