#Early childhood

Why is it important to insure private kindergartens?

Anyone who has chosen to work in education knows how many moments of happiness are hidden in everyday life in the company of small children.
On the other hand, it is important that we also pay attention to the many dangers to which the children are exposed - at home, in the garden, in the yard and wherever they are.
Of course, the parents try to protect as much as possible, but during the hours when the children are in the kindergartens and in the settings, the parents are not with them and the dangers increase.
Although the children are under the close supervision of kindergartners and helpers, injuries and bruises may occur.
Whether playing in the yard, getting hurt by games or even slipping around the garden.
In such a case, the kindergarten teacher is exposed to spending large and disproportionate amounts in case of lawsuits from the parents.
Therefore, when opening a kindergarten/nursery/nursery, etc., it is extremely important to take care of insurance that will cover the children present in the event of a disaster, as well as cover the kindergarten teacher and the staff.

Why is it important to insure a private kindergarten?
When opening a kindergarten/nursery, it is a business for everything and every business requires insurance - we need to protect both ourselves and the children in the kindergarten for any unexpected event that may occur.
Furthermore, because these are children, the peace of mind that the parents should feel when they send their children to us for kindergarten should be taken into account, when they know that we took care of their children's safety and well-being and reassured them, they will feel that they have someone to trust.

We note that children's insurance is suitable for those who wish to open a kindergarten, nursery school, nursery school, summer camp or day care center.
The insurance covers the kindergarten teacher/nursery owner in case a disaster happens to one of the children and she is sued by the parents. It is important to emphasize that the insurance covers the kindergarten teacher against lawsuits even when the children are outside the kindergarten or on the way to and from the kindergarten.
When you go to find out about insurance for a private kindergarten, you need to take into account several main things - first, the size of the kindergarten and the number of children in it.
After that you have to decide what will be included in the insurance - accident insurance for children and third party insurance are the most important for parents. In addition, you should insure the kindergarten teacher and the legal assistant in case of a lawsuit.
Another thing to consider in insurance is to insure the kindergarten teacher and assistants with medical insurance in case of an accident and financial insurance in case of loss of income or property damage.

Each business should build the right policy according to its data.
The insurance policy, of course, differs from one insurance company to another, and some also include insurance for the contents of the garden,
Insurance against natural damage, loss of income, third party insurance, ambulance for evacuation, doctor's visit services, dental accident insurance, personal accident insurance and employers' liability insurance.

Kindergarten insurance is one of the first things to do when starting a business and you shouldn't give it up in any way, we need to prepare ourselves for a difficult day and unexpected cases that may cost us dearly.

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