Retirement planning - this is how we prepare for the next stage

Retirement planning - important for your future

After decades of saving to secure your financial future after retirement, you have reached an age where retirement is closer than ever. It's time to stop and check what happened with the various funds you deposited in the various plans, what are the sums of money available to you after all these years, and how to manage them correctly in order to ensure comfort and financial well-being in the retirement years.

The various insurance companies offer a service of planning for retirement age, in which the various frameworks in which you have deposited your money over the years, education funds, pension savings, etc., are examined, and an analysis of the existing funds and management and planning of the savings, investments and allowances are carried out in preparation for using the funds in the future. Here is information about a retirement planning service. For more information - contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Retirement - the definitions of the law

Citizens living in Israel are offered several points in life at which they can retire.

The minimum eligibility age - age 60 is the minimum eligibility age that allows the use of the pension funds saved for retirement. If you have reached the age of 60 and wish to retire, you can retire from work and take early retirement, and receive the pension you have saved for. Of course, taking early retirement shortens the savings period by several years, which affects the amount of the pension you will receive.

Retirement age - Israeli law defines the retirement age as 62 for women and 67 for men. Upon retirement at this age, you will receive the National Insurance pension as well as the pensions you have saved. It should be noted that the age of women may increase to 65 in the future.

Mandatory retirement age - age 67 is a mandatory retirement age at which the employer can force you to retire.

If you are approaching retirement age, it is time to start planning your retirement.

Who is recommended to contact for retirement planning?

The mapping of your pension portfolio and retirement planning is recommended to be done with a pension consultant who specializes in this type of planning and knows how to examine the variety of aspects and considerations and adapt retirement to your financial needs.

What can be gained from meeting with a retirement planner?

The retirement planner will examine for you the situation of your expenses and income, the amount of assets at your disposal and your pension portfolio, and will recommend you accordingly on the correct planning of the retirement allowances.

In addition, the retirement planner will assist you in dealing with the tax authorities and will plan your retirement grants in accordance with the tax benefits available at headquarters to pay as little tax as possible and increase the scope of the one-time or monthly allowance. An example of one of the benefits is through amendment 190.

If you decide to continue saving even after retirement age, the retirement planner will be able to assist you in choosing the appropriate savings paths, according to the goals of your savings goals.

Why should you use retirement age planning services through the national collective?

As an old insurance agency that knows its customers well and takes care of them throughout their lives, even upon reaching retirement age, we work to provide our customers with the best service, connect them to insurance companies and make sure that the counseling process for retirement is carried out to the satisfaction of the customers.

Even if your pension insurances were purchased through the national collective or not, we will make sure to connect you with the best retirement experts at the largest insurance companies, who will provide you with professional support and help you make the most informed and correct decisions for you.

Retirement planning services through the national collective

  • Organization and order in savings for retirement age
  • Maximizing allowances and savings for the retirement years by taking advantage of tax benefits
  • Exercising and utilizing rights in existing programs
  • Planning and customization of the retirement path according to the needs and preferences of the retiree
  • Providing unique solutions for the retiree population: a retirement path with nursing care protection
  • Consolidation and management of accruals under one plan, solutions for heirs and beneficiaries and more
  • Personal guidance and guidance for retirees by a professional and skilled team of experts

When you contact us for professional pension planning or retirement planning, you receive an essential and valuable service at no financial cost, benefiting from optimal financial preparation for life in retirement. We take care of the exhaustion of your rights in the existing plans and personalization of the retirement path according to your needs so that you can walk with confidence and peace of mind towards the retirement years.

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Retirement beyond the horizon

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